1: Education veterans are of the strong opinion that something which worked in the past and working now will work in future
The Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2015) thinking and expectations are different from the way even millennials think and do. My son who is 2010 born has stopped asking me questions these days, he used to ask lot of questions. The day he learned writing sentences, he started typing questions in his iPad and asking google. He is comfortable learning from google.
2: Strong assumption that digital delivery is not effective compared to physical delivery model.
Education delivery has its thick roots in brick and mortar model. Because of that, the delivery folks cannot think of running a batch of say, 50K learners using technology. They are generally of the opinion that digital delivery will not be effective. In my opinion they shouldn’t even compare physical and digital models and at least they should be open to “Phygital” model. 10 years ago we did not expect that people will buy a fully physical thing like furniture online but that’s the reality and normal now.
3: Digital transformation means having some tech tools.
Digital transformation is not just the technology. It involves reimagining the instructional design, reimagining content, reimagining marketing, reimagining sales, reimagining delivery, reimagining scale, reimagining the user experience, reimagining business models, reimagining and realigning teams. A dedicated digital leader must be there who can articulate the digital vision, knows how use data effectively everywhere, knows execution paths (both short term and long term), take hard decisions and who can connect all functions to align with the digital vision so that whole organisation can think digital. These myths will lower the transformation pace. I also feel that these are true for any large, old ( 25+ years ) organisations of any domain. Born digital companies will not carry the baggage so they can move faster.